365 Days of Grey; A Year of Covid in Dryer Lint, 2021, Collected dryer lint, vinyl lettering, 84” x 42" x 30”d

The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art invited artists to submit works forged by or reflecting upon the turmoil of 2020 for an exhibition titled Does Anybody Really Care? curated by Helen Toomer.

In March of 2020, the entire world was forced into lockdown due to Covid 19 and after endless home improvement tasks and monotonous housekeeping, the by-product of a mundane chore presented itself to me as a new art medium. I began to notice the textures and hues of the perfectly formed, crescent-shaped pieces of lint cleared from my dryer, and couldn’t throw them away. I arranged them in rows, one slightly overlapping the one before it, on pieces of cardboard from Amazon boxes that were starting to pile up. After twelve months of seemingly unending loads of laundry, the nuanced shades of grey material had become a symbolic calendar of my year coping with a global pandemic.

Does Anybody Really Care? | The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art | New Paltz, NY | August 31 - October 13, 2018