No Bones, 1999
Plastic dog chew toys, vinyl lettering, 144"h x 60"w x 96"d
This installation was comprised of hundreds of green dog chew toys precisely arranged on the shelves of a former janitor's closet. Consistent with the signage throughout this historic library building – suggestive dog commands (roll over, come, heel, beg, play dead) – were placed in gold vinyl lettering on the exterior of the door. Curator, Mike Glier noted, "No Bones, ... unusually sculptural and suggestive of many playful activities that don't necessarily require Spot and Muffy, this collection is a monument to the anonymous men and women who design for pleasure, canine or otherwise".
1999 Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region | Albany Institute of History & Art | Harmanus Bleeker Center | Albany, NY | June 24 - August 22, 1999